Deadline has Passed

Deadline to order Merchandise and Personal Ads was January 15th, 2024.

Purchasing a Personal Ad? You have choices! Either design it yourself, or get the assistance of one of the JBHS VMA Graphic Designers.

Design Yourself

After you purchase your ad(s), create a PDF file with your message and/or images, and email it to: Amie and Evan Metcalf (

Please ensure your PDF is the correct size:

  • 1/8 Page Ad: 3.9375″ wide x 2.5″ tall
  • 1/4 Page Ad: 3.9375″ wide x 5.1875″ tall
  • 1/2 Page Ad: 8″ wide x 5.1875″ tall
  • Full Page Ad: 8″ wide x 10.5″ tall

Deadline: Jan 15, 2024. Your ad artwork must be emailed to Evan Metcalf by Monday, Jan 15.


Get It Designed For You

The deadline for Graphic Design requests has passed.

Examples of Personal Ads

More Design Examples: